Spine disease Treatment at Aaradhana Ayurveda.

Spine diseases can significantly impact one’s quality of life, causing discomfort, pain, and limitations in mobility. Sciatica, disc compression, and disc bulge are prevalent conditions involving the spine.

At Aaradhana Ayurveda Resort, we provide holistic and personalized treatment for all spinal diseases, focusing on natural healing and well-being. Our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners offer traditional therapies, herbal remedies, and tailored wellness programs to alleviate spinal pain and promote overall spinal health. Embracing ancient Ayurvedic principles, our serene resort provides a tranquil setting for healing and rejuvenation.

Let us know about some of the major Spine diseases


Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. It often results from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, typically caused by a herniated disc, bone spur, or spinal stenosis. Common symptoms include shooting pain, tingling, and numbness along the affected leg. Having sciatica means you can experience mild to severe pain anywhere with nerves that connect to the sciatic nerve. The symptoms can affect your lower back, hips, buttocks, or legs. Depending on the specific nerve, some symptoms may extend as far down as your feet and toes.

Disc Compression

Disc compression, or spinal compression, occurs when the spinal discs between vertebrae experience pressure, leading to pain and discomfort. This compression can result from various factors, including age-related degeneration, poor posture, or injury. Symptoms may include back pain, stiffness, and, in severe cases, nerve compression leading to radiating pain. Management often involves lifestyle modifications, physical therapy, and medications to alleviate symptoms.

Disc Bulge

A disc bulge is a condition where the outer layer of a spinal disc protrudes, potentially causing pressure on nearby nerves. This condition is closely related to disc compression and may result from wear and tear, aging, or sudden trauma. Symptoms vary but can include localized pain, numbness, and weakness.

Aaradhana Ayurveda offers unparalleled Ayurvedic treatment for spine diseases, with Panchakarma Therapy

Detoxification treatments like Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema) are employed to remove toxins and restore balance.
Panchakarma is a method of cleansing the body of all unwanted waste after lubricating it. Panchakarma is 5 (five) in number; hence the term PANCHA (five) – KARMA (procedures). Ayurvedic treatments like Kati Vasti, Greeva Vasti, Merudanda Vasti, Spine Oil Dhara, Shastik Shali Pinda Sweda, Patra Pinda Pottali, and similar therapies have been recognized for their efficacy in managing various spine-related disorders.

Kati Vasti involves retaining warm medicated oil in a specially formed well over the lower back to alleviate conditions like lower back pain and sciatica. Greeva Vasti targets neck-related issues, while Merudanda Vasti focuses on the entire spine, nourishing and strengthening it.

Spine oil Dhara involves a continuous stream of warm medicated oil over the spine, aiding in conditions like spondylitis. Shastik Shali Pinda Sweda and Patra Pinda Pottali employ herbal boluses tied in muslin bags for therapeutic massages, promoting circulation and reducing inflammation.

These Ayurvedic treatments aim to balance the doshas, enhance flexibility, and alleviate pain, contributing to the holistic well-being of individuals with spine diseases. It’s crucial to consult with qualified Ayurvedic practitioners for personalized advice and treatments

Aaradhana Ayurveda stands as the best Ayurvedic treatment resort in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra, seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with modern wellness practices. Our expert practitioners employ personalized therapies and herbal remedies to address spine-related concerns.